Jürgen Reble - Das Goldene Tor (The Golden Door)
Originally a 16 mm film from 1992, soundtrack by Thomas Köner.” Marked by layers of residue, shifting abstract surfaces, chemical traces, scratches and b..(read more)
Label: Re:Voir / Barcode 3 493551 101147
Artist: Jürgen Reble
Medium: DVD
Category: Films.
Tags: 16 mm, Dark Ambient, Material Film.
Price: €20.00

Jürgen Reble - Passion
Reble’s unfamiliar chemistry generates slowly pulsating structures and colors. Micro- and macroscopic imagery build a near-abstract, hypnotic landscape..
Label: Re:Voir / Barcode 3 493551 101154
Artist: Jürgen Reble
Medium: DVD
Category: Films.
Tags: '80s, Material Film, Super 8.
Price: €20.00